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Join date : 2024-05-19

Free VCMP server host - By VICE Nation Owner Empty Free VCMP server host - By VICE Nation Owner

Sun May 19, 2024 10:40 pm
Hi, VICE Players, it's the owner quick mention [some features of the scripts might not work it depends on your scripts] let's get started. So first you need to get a blank server I will mention all the links down below. Next you need to go to this website again links mentioned below first you need to register and download the official app and then open the app and go to the website they have mentioned and then it will show add new agent and then click on continue and then it will show step 4 create tunnel then click on that and go to the shared Ip section and select then click on global anycast, in tunnel type select unturned and add tunnel. In order to activate the tunnel, you should go to the tunnels section on the top and select the tunnel that is visible and click on the tunnel again, now go to the update local address and fill the Ip with ** and then fill the port with *8192* then click on update, then scroll down to see the allocation (shared IP) section to see the Ip of your server. In order to activate your server, click on the server64 or server32 depending on your computer, then reload the app and add the Ip to your favorites section to join the server, if you have any questions, you can find and DM me with my ID @praajeet_boy. This is how you host your own VCMP server, and I wish you happy hosting Smile ~ VICE Nation Owner
Blank Server:]]
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